HEADS: Health, Environment, And Disaster Studies

I am focusing on evaluating the health effects of unexpected natural disasters or sudden societal changes using the registered data of Korea.

저는 우리사회에서 발생하는 자연 및 환경 재난과 갑작스러운 사회변화가 지역사회 주민에게 미치는 건강영향을 이차자료를 활용하여 평가하고 있습니다.

Research topics

Health and environmental effects of: 
* Cyclone
* Earthquake 
* Wildfire 
* Industrial fire
* Heavy rainfall and flood
* COVID-19
* Ambient particulate matter 
* Ambient temperature 

Data sources

All secondary data including
* Mortality data provided by Statistics Korea
* Nationwide health insurance data of Korea provided by NHIS
* Governmental air pollution monitoring data 
* Satellite images

Statistical methods

Quasi-experimental methods:
* Difference-in-difference
* Interrupted time-series
* Generalized synthetic control 
* PS matching 
* G-computation

Conventional epidemiological methods:
* Cross-sectional and longitudinal data analysis
* Health impact assessment 

Funded projects

  • 2023 K-MEDI Convergence Talent Development Program
    Title: Digital environmental health epidemiological investigation of based on healthcare big data
    Funder: Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Korea
    Period: 2023-2025

  • 2023 Outstanding Young Scientist Grant Program
    Title: Health impact assessment for disasters using machine-learning and quasi-experimental methods
    Funder: National Research Fund, Korea
    Period: 2023-2026

  • 2021 Outstanding Young Scientist Grant Program
    Title: Health effects of 2017 Pohang City earthquake
    Funder: National Research Fund, Korea
    Period: 2021-2023